8 years of Pluma

Sauvage Club. Plaça Reial 7 - Barcelona - Mapa ikusi
2025/02/28 23:55
Antolatzailea Pluma - BCN

Zure sarrerak erosi

Early bird

10,20 €
Entrada general a precio reducido - para las rápidas! (Incluye refresco o cerveza antes de la 1.30 am).


18,00 € 15,30 €
OFERTA - Entrada general (Incluye refresco o cerveza antes de la 1.30 am).

General - 2nd release

18,36 €
Entrada general (Incluye refresco o cerveza antes de la 1.30 am).
Azken prezioa. Kudeaketa-gastuak eta entradium bermea barne.
0,00 €
0,00 €

Ekitaldiaren deskribapena


From underground chaos to legendary status - PLUMA has been serving queer community, alternative drag and dance floor magic for 8 wild years!

With Beats that slap by BigBalls, Host Joan Oh.

Pop music, dance and house!

Shows from Barcelona icons AND special guest from Drag Race España Arantxa Castilla La Mancha 

This isn't just a party - it's a celebration baby!!

Friday 28th Feb - 23:59-06h - Club Sauvage

Be there or regret it forever! 

Early bird - 10 €

General tickets - 15 €

General tickets (2nd release) - 18 €

Tickets at door 25 €

Soft drink / beer included before 1.30 am with all tickets. 

Pluma Instagram

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